

李杰教授 同写意 2023-01-13

撰文/@Jie Jack Li

杰克说药是著名药史专家Jie Jack Li(李杰)教授专为同写意打造的药林外史精品专栏,将讲述一个个药物发现背后的故事。李杰教授现为上海睿智的副总裁,先后出版了30本有机和药物化学方面的书籍以及药物发现史,其中10本与诺奖得主E. J. Corey合作完成。其《Blockbuster Drugs》一书获 2015 Alpha Sigma Nu Science Book 奖,并被翻译成中文出版,深受欢迎。






与身体的其他正常反应一样,炎症和免疫力都是为了保持或恢复健康。典型的炎症性疾病包括类风湿性关节炎和克罗恩病(一种炎症性肠病)。风湿性关节炎是一种慢性炎症性疾病,其特征是关节疼痛、肿胀和随后的关节破坏。梅奥诊所的Philip S. Hench和Edward C. Kendall发现了可的松,并将其从牛肾上腺皮质(连接到肾脏顶部的一个小器官)中分离出来。1948年,Hench给患有严重风湿性关节炎的二十九岁加德纳夫人注射可的松(3)三天后,这位长期卧床不起的病人奇迹般地康复了,她甚至去市中心疯狂购物了三个小时!这个事件开创了类固醇时代。


由于皮质激素可的松(3)和皮质醇(4)是从皮质中分离出来的,因此被命名为皮质类固醇。皮质类固醇主要有两类:糖皮质激素(好的)和盐皮质激素(坏的)。可的松(3)和皮质醇(4)是一种革命性的药物,但它们存在许多不良反应,其中最主要的是盐皮质激素活性,即保盐和保水活性,还有代谢副作用,如体重增加或血糖升高。起初,因为“大自然最了解什么是最好的”, 科学家们担心化合物的结构修饰会影响药效。1954年,施贵宝的Fried和Sabo通过制备具有不同药理学特征的半合成可的松衍生物,打破了这一观念。例如, 9α-氟氢化可的松(氟可的松,5在缓解类风湿关节炎方面的作用比可的松(3)高十倍,尽管其盐皮质激素活性增加了300至800倍(副作用,导致类醛固酮盐和水的潴留)[3]。Fried和Sabo向世界表明,对天然皮质类固醇进行结构修饰可以获得不同甚至更好的药物,制药行业的化学家成为了真正的药物化学家:他们开始探索结构-活性关系。更令人振奋的是,几乎所有最优秀的有机化学家都加入了这场“战争”,其中许多人都是未来的诺贝尔奖获得者:例如R. B. Woodward, Robert Robinson, Derek Barton, Carl Djerassi等。

1954年,先灵公司从单纯棒状杆菌发酵液中的可的松(3)里分离出两种新型类固醇强的松(碳-11酮,商品名:米特奥滕,6和微生物脱氢产生的活性代谢物泼尼松龙(碳-11β羟基,7。这些类似物的糖皮质激素活性增强,而盐皮质激素活性降低。第一剂泼尼松龙(7)在1954年8月给了一位患有关节炎的妇女服用。泼尼松(6)在1955年3月上市,剂量为5毫克,用于治疗关节炎,泼尼松龙(7) 在随后不久也开始使用。先灵最初投资的10万美元在销售的第一年就赚了2000万美元—那可是200倍的利润。








地塞米松(1)自1959年上市以来,已成为最受欢迎的两种口服生物可利用的糖皮质激素之一(另一种是泼尼松(6))。地塞米松(1)在市场上已有六十余年的历史,在许多适应症上已经取得了一定程度的成功,像 “灵丹妙药”一样。例如,已发现其对风湿性疾病、多种皮肤疾病、严重过敏、哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、臀部病、脑肿胀以及结核病(与抗生素合并使用)均有疗效。医生非常熟悉地塞米松(1)的药理特性,因此,对严重新冠肺炎患者超适应症使用地塞米松来减轻他们的肺炎症状。康复临床试验只是证实了医生在大流行高峰早期的推断,现在他们可以更有信心地使用地塞米松。




On June 16th, 2020, a team at Oxford University announced that their RECOVERY trials had revealed that a daily treatment of 6 mg of dexamethasone (Decadron, 1) lowered the fatality rate of ventilated COVID-19 patients by up to one third! This was a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial, the gold standard, thus lending much credibility to the results. It seems to work even better than Gilead’s remdesivir (Veklury, 2) for this group of seriously ill patients. Moreover, dexamethasone (1) is cheap, widely available, and it has been used for more sixty years in the clinics. Let us take a journey to look at how dexamethasone (1) was discovered, how it has become almost a panacea for all ills in medical practice, how it works to benefit COVID-19 patients, and how it is made.A group of chemists at Merck discovered dexamethasone (1), a steroid hormone, in 1958 as an anti-inflammatory steroid.1 Merck marketed dexamethasone (1) with a brand name Decadron in 1959. As a testimony to how competitive the field was during the golden age of steroid hormone drugs, Schering Corporation simultaneously synthesized the same compound as well. Considering the two companies merged in 2009, it matters not today with regard to priority. Inflammation and immunity, like all other normal reactions of the body, are meant to preserve or restore health. Classic inflammatory diseases include rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease). Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by pain, swelling, and subsequent destruction of joints. Philip S. Hench and Edward C. Kendall at the Mayo Clinic discovered cortisone (3) and isolated it from bovine adrenal cortex (a small organ attached to the top of the kidney, cortex means out-layer). In 1948, Hench gave cortisone (3) to desperately ill 29-year-old Mrs. Gardner with severe rheumatoid arthritis. After three days of injections, the long bedridden patient miraculously recovered. She even went downtown and had a three-hour shopping spree! That single event ushered the steroid era. As the understanding of the functions of cortisone (3) increased exponentially, it was soon realized that cortisone (3) itself is a pro-drug, which is reduced in vivo to cortisol (hydrocortisone, 4). Cortisol (4), the actual active drug, is vital to the body’s defense against inflammation. Since Addison’s disease is due to adrenal cortex deficiency and is characterized by the failure of the adrenal glands and the inability to produce cortisol (4), cortisol (4) became the drug of choice for Addison’s disease. President John F. Kennedy suffered from Addison’s disease and was routinely given cortisol (4) shots.   Since steroid hormones cortisone (3) and cortisol (4) were isolated from cortex, they were named as corticosteroids. There are two main groups of corticosteroids, glucocorticoids (good) and mineralocorticoids (bad). While cortisone (3) and cortisol (4) revolutionized medicines, they are far from perfect with many adverse effects, chief among them is mineralocorticoid activity, i.e., salt and water-retaining activity. They are also plagued by metabolic side effects such as weight gain or increased blood glucose levels. Initially, scientists were afraid of tweaking their structures because “nature knows the best”. Fried and Sabo at Squibb in 1954 debunked that notion by preparing semi-synthetic cortisone derivatives with different pharmacological profiles. For instance, their 9-fluorohydrocortisone (fludrocortisone, 5) was 10-fold more potent than cortisone (3) in relieving rheumatoid arthritis (good) although their mineralocorticoid activity was increased by 300–800-fold (bad, causing aldosterone-like salt and water retaining).3 Since Fried and Sabo showed the world that modifying natural corticosteroids could lead to different, or even better, drugs, chemists in drug industry became bona fide medicinal chemists: they began to explore structure–activity relationship (SAR). More excitingly, almost all of the best organic chemists joined the fray, many of them future Nobel laureates: R. B. Woodward, Robert Robinson, Derek Barton, Carl Djerassi, et al. In 1954, from fermentation of cortisone (3) in a mold broth Corynebacterium simplex, Schering Corporation isolated two novel steroids prednisone (C-11 ketone, brand name Meticorten, 6) and the active metabolite prednisolone (C-11 beta hydroxyl, 7) as a consequence of microbial dehydrogenation. These analogs exhibited enhanced glucocorticoid activity with reduced mineralocorticoid activity. The first dose of prednisolone (7) was administered to an arthritic woman in August 1954. Prednisone (6) was launched in March 1955 at a 5-mg dose for use in arthritis, with prednisolone (7) being introduced shortly thereafter. Schering’s initial $100K investment earned them $20 million in the first year of sales, a 200-fold profit.Both the prodrug prednisone (6) and the active drug prednisolone (7) are approximately five-fold more active than cortisol (hydrocortisone, 4) with less tendency to cause salt retention. At the time, synthesis of steroids, large molecules with many chiral centers, was long and formidable. Medicinal chemists had no rational design guidelines to follow and progress was dictated by stepwise improvements enabled by synthetic chemistry.4 As showcased by fludrocortisone (5), halogen, especially fluorine, incorporation resulted in surprisingly active steroids although fludrocortisone (5) had increased undesirable mineralocorticoid activity. Lederle Laboratories isolated a corticosteroid from the urine sample of a boy taking cortisone (3). The compound had a C-16 hydroxyl group added to the cortisone molecule, no doubt from CYP450 metabolic oxidation. Merging the hydroxyl group and the fluorine substitution on fludrocortisone (5), Lederle arrived at a hybrid molecule, triamcinolone (8), in 1958. The new drug triamcinolone (8) was as potent as prednisolone (7) but was almost free from mineralocorticoid activity. It is not perfect with a tendency to cause nausea, dizziness, and other untoward effects.In an attempt to hinder metabolism of the side chain corticosteroids (the ketone at the C-20 position was prone to reduction thus loosing activity), Merck chemists led by Sarett synthesized analogs with a methyl group at the adjacent C-16 position such as dexamethasone (1). As often the case in science, the 16-methyl did not really retard metabolism as they initially intended since CYP450 enzymes oxidatively metabolize methyl group with ease. However, unexpectedly, dexamethasone (1) not only acted like a hydroxyl group to depress mineralocorticoid activity, but it also enhance the anti-inflammatory activity by six-fold in comparison to prednisone (6) and 25-times more potent than hydrocortisone (4).1 Dexamethasone (1) has a duration of action of 36–54 hours whereas that of hydrocortisone (4) being 8–12 hours. Shortly after, Merck also synthesized betamethasone (9), its diastereomer with the methyl group at C-16 position with opposite stereochemistry. Betamethasone (9), a twin brother of dexamethasone (1) in a true sense, behaves nearly identical to each other in terms of biological activities. Apparently, the stereochemistry of the C-16 methyl has little pharmacological consequences. More favorably, both dexamethasone (1) and betamethasone (9) have practically no salt-retaining activity at all. Neither of them exhibited the unwelcome side effects seen with triamcinolone (8). Today dexamethasone (1) is available as IV, oral, nasal, ophthalmic, and topical cream formulation for treatment of diseases ranging from multiple myeloma to psoriasis. Although glucocorticoids are associated with osteoporosis, fluid retention, and hyperglycemia with chronic therapy, more acute therapy is remarkably efficacious and explains widespread use of steroidal therapy. Unfortunately, the initial enthusiasm for corticosteroids was dampened by their severe side effects following chronic administration. Notably osteoporosis, immune suppression, ulcerogenicity, adrenal suppression, and development of steroid dependence. Prednisone (6) saves lives but takes an awful toll due to side effects, most severe being weakening of the bones within months. As a consequence, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, corticosteroids have now been largely replaced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Still, the fact remains that corticosteroids are the most effective drug in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases nowadays. In terms of mechanism of action, dexamethasone (1), like most corticosteroids, is very complicated, hitting multiple drug targets. But its key anti-inflammatory properties are the consequence of serving as a modulator (agonist) of ligand-bound glucocorticoid receptor. As shown in the scheme below, dexamethasone (1) binds to glucocorticoid receptor on cell membrane. The dexamethasone (1)–glucocorticoid receptor complex then enters cell nucleus to interact with nuclear DNA molecules that trigger the signaling pathway for anti-inflammatory outcome. Unfortunately, dexamethasone (1)’s poly-pharmacology comes from its binding to several other targets, chief among them the mineralocorticoid receptor, which is responsible for mineralocorticoid side effects including water and salt-retention. Since its emergence on the market in 1959, dexamethasone (1) has become one of the two most popular orally bioavailable corticosteroids. The other one is prednisone (6). Having been on the market for over sixty years, dexamethasone (1) has been tried with certain degree of success for many indications, making it seem like a panacea. For instance, it has been found to have efficacy for rheumatic problems, a number of skin diseases, severe allergies, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, croup, brain swelling, and along with antibiotics in tuberculosis. Doctors are very familiar with dexamethasone (1)’s pharmacological properties. Therefore, they have been using this drug on severe COVID patients “off label” to relieve their pneumonia symptoms. The RECOVERY clinical trial simply confirmed what the doctor inferred early on at the peak of the pandemic, now they can starting using it with much more confidence. Merck’s initial synthesis of dexamethasone (1) was considered a triumph of steroid chemistry. Today, synthesis of dexamethasone (1) is routine and uneventful. Here is one of the latest version of its synthesis.5Treatment of commercially available 11-hydroxyl-16-epoxy progesterone (epoxide 10) with the enzymatic extract of Corynebacterium simplex accomplished the 1,2-hydrogenation to afford diene 11 in the form of a quinone. The efficient microbial biotransformation 10 → 11 was harder to do chemically in a single step. Upon exposure to chromium, the epoxide was reduced to give triene 12. Mesylation and concurrent elimination led to tetraene 13. Bromination of tetraene 13 to afford bromide 14, was chemoselective because the other three olefins were actually enones thus not as reactive. Exposing bromide 14 to basic conditions collapsed the bromohydrin to give epoxide 15. Conjugate addition of the methyl cuprate to compound 15 generated the enolate intermediate, which was oxidized in situ with oxygen to produce methyl compound 16. The epoxide on intermediate 16 was opened by HF to afford fluoride 17. The methyl ketone moiety on fluoride 17 was iodinated and subsequently converted to acetate 18, which was eventually hydrolyzed to deliver dexamethasone (1).5 In summary, dexamethasone (1) has had a colorful “career” as a drug. Initially discovered as an anti-inflammatory drug, it has emerged as one of the two orally bioavailable corticosteroid medicines. It has been used to combat nausea associated with chemotherapy, as an anesthetic, and an anti-allergic. The drug has also found utility to treat asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Now as an effective medicine to reduce the fatality rate of ventilated COVID-19 patients, dexamethasone (1) continues to save human lives. 


1. Arth, G. E.; Fried, J.; Johnston, D. B. R.; Hoff, D. R.; Sarett, L. H.; Silber, R. H.; Stoerk, H. C.; Winter, C. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1958, 80, 3161–3163. 

2. Fried, J.; Sabo, E. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1954, 76, 1455–1456. 

3. Hirschmann, R. Steroids 1992, 57, 579–592.

4. Herzog, H.; Oliveto, E. P. Steroids 1992, 57, 617–623.

5. Herraiz, I. Methods Mol. Biol. 2017, 1645, 15–27.



